Blogs: Society

Societies thrive when economies are managed to meet the needs and aspirations of people, and economies thrive within strong societies that are fair and resilient.  We help you to understand the complex, multi-faceted and profound relationships between societies and economies.

UNESCO study: technical and vocational education

Field research in Senegal

Field research for a UNESCO project took our Director Ben Gardiner and Researcher Ana Rosa Gonzalez-Martinez* to the Dominican Republic, Cyprus and Senegal to assess the potential for a training levy to support vocational and technical education.

Tell us about the UNESCO project…

Should we fear the rise of the machines?

How will increased robotisation affect income, production and consumption? Will society benefit from the transition to automation in the long-run? Are humans destined for redundancy and poverty?
In his second blogpost on this subject our Director, Hector Pollitt explains why econ…

Gender equality: the economic pay-off

The latest edition of the Gender Equality Index, published today, shows that Europe is moving in the right direction. However, as the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE)* says, this progress has come at a snail’s pace.
The Index highlights continued wide differenc…