Blogs: Environment

Economies are reliant on the resources provided by the natural environment and yet, left unchecked, economic development can lead to its irreversible destruction. We can help you understand economic dependency on the environment and the impact of economic growth on the natural world around us.

The end of energy as we know it

fossil fuels stranded assets

Jean-Francois is lead author of  Macroeconomic impact of stranded fossil fuel assets, published in Nature Climate Change last week.
The report highlights the significant macroeconomic and geopolitical consequences of continued investment in fossil fuels.  He is our guest blogge…

Trump tariffs will not bring back coal

When President Trump announced a tariff on imports of solar panels we immediately ran some figures through our macroeconomic model to assess the impact that the policy might have on the US energy system.
Our analysis shows that Trump’s tariff on solar panel imports, which came…

Reflections on COP23

It’s been a week since the Conference of the Parties (COP) in Bonn, so it must be time to start thinking about Christmas (or in my case this year, my wedding!). But before moving on completely it is worth spending some time reflecting on the events of the last few weeks.
COP23 wa…

The gap to 2°C: it’s narrower than most people think

Cambridge Econometrics’ projections suggest that the carbon emissions gap to 2°C might be 10 GtCO2e in 2030, notably less than projections by other research institutes, including those in the UNEP report published this week.  There is reason to be optimistic.
But why is our …